

What is LeSS ( Large Scale Scrum)?

What is LeSS ( Large Scale Scrum)?

LeSS framework was created by Bas Vodde and Craig Larman. LeSS or Large-Scale Scrum is about taking Scrum and applying the Scrum concepts across multiple teams. LeSS is relatively small and simple. LeSS focuses on the root causes of organizational weaknesses when scaling. In short, LeSS is a scaled-up version of one-team Scrum.

Why did LeSS start?

As per Craig Larman, Frameworks with a lot of definitions and “prescriptiveness” don’t work in terms of large-scale adoption. They aren’t contextual enough. They inhibit empirical process control (a key Scrum principle) and the unique learning and exploration that must take place. Development groups (and the work of development) are just too varied for anything like a detailed highly-defined framework or process, or much of a standard recipe. 

LeSS Structure

LeSS recommends that organizations focus on structures first before rolling out LeSS. LeSS consists of set of principles and experiments. It also provides a framework with rules.

Types of LeSS Frameworks

There are two types of LeSS Frameworks – LeSS and LeSS huge. LeSS can be applied to up to eight teams whereas LeSS huge is applicable for more than 8 teams.

Components of LeSS

  • A Single Product backlogs
  • One Definition of Done for All Teams
  • One Potentially Shippable Product Increment
  • One Product Owner
  • Multiple Cross-Functional Teams (With Single no specialist team)
  • One Sprint


LeSS like Scrum is a framework suited for Product development. If there is no Product, there is no Scrum similarly if there is no product there is no LeSS. There will be a school of thought of applying LeSS to a Non-Product team, however, the results will not be great.

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Learn about agile scaling frameworks- What are the agile scaling frameworks?

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