

Archives May 2024

Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Certification in Agile Project Management

The Certified Scrum Master (CSM) certification, provided by Scrum Alliance, is a foundational course spanning two days, encompassing the Scrum framework, team accountabilities, events, and artifacts. This course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to guide their teams in applying Scrum principles effectively and to gain a deeper understanding of the agile principles and values that underpin this methodology.

Understanding Scrum: The Agile Framework

Scrum, a pivotal subset of Agile methodology, offers a structured yet flexible approach to project management, emphasizing iterative development, seamless collaboration, and continuous improvement. At its core, Scrum delineates defined roles (Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team), essential events (Sprint, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective), and crucial artifacts (Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment). The role of the Scrum Master is pivotal, serving as a facilitator in the adoption and effective implementation of Scrum within teams.

The Importance of Certification

While practical experience is invaluable, certification provides an additional layer of credibility and validation. Here’s why achieving Certified Scrum Master status is essential:

Demonstrated Knowledge: CSM certification validates an individual’s comprehensive understanding of Scrum principles, roles, events, and artifacts, ensuring that certified Scrum Masters possess the fundamental knowledge necessary to navigate the framework adeptly.

Enhanced Employability:

In today’s competitive job market, CSM certification sets candidates apart by showcasing their dedication to professional growth and their ability to spearhead agile transformation within organizations. Employers actively seek certified Scrum Masters to lead their agile initiatives, making certification a valuable asset for career advancement.

Global Recognition:

CSM certification enjoys widespread global recognition, providing professionals with opportunities to expand their career horizons and collaborate with agile practitioners from diverse backgrounds. It serves as a universal language that facilitates communication and collaboration across geographical boundaries.

The Certification Journey Achieving Certified Scrum Master status typically involves the following steps:


Attend a comprehensive two-day Certified ScrumMaster training course conducted by a seasoned Certified Scrum Trainer (CST). Participants delve into Scrum theory, roles, events, and artifacts, gaining invaluable insights through interactive exercises and real-world examples.


Upon completing the course, participants gain access to the required Scrum Master test. The test comprises 50 multiple-choice questions; candidates must answer 37 of the 50 questions correctly to pass the test and receive their certification. The cost of the course includes two test attempts. Successful candidates earn their CSM certification, valid for two years.

Continuous Learning: To maintain certification, Scrum Masters must accrue Scrum Education Units (SEUs) by actively participating in professional development activities such as additional training, coaching sessions, or attending conferences. Renewing certification every two years ensures that Scrum Masters remain updated on emerging trends and best practices.


In the era of digital transformation and rapid change, agility is not just advantageous—it’s imperative. Certified Scrum Master certification equips professionals with the requisite knowledge and skills to navigate today’s complex business landscape successfully. By embracing Scrum principles and fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement, certified Scrum Masters drive organizational success and propel teams toward excellence in project delivery. Whether you’re an experienced project manager or a newcomer to agile methodologies, CSM certification offers a clear pathway to personal and professional growth, unlocking a wealth of opportunities in the ever-evolving realm of agile project management.

For more details on the Certified Scrum Master Course, visit – Scrum Alliance

Scrum for Developers – What every developer should know about Scrum?

Scrum is the most popular framework in the IT industry, the developers need to know about Scrum which will help them in their day-to-day work. As a developer, the practices differ from team to team, department to department. You will be surprised to witness different ways of working in teams in the same department.

A developer (as defined by the Scrum Guide, will include anyone in the Scrum team except the PO and the Scrum Master) consists of Software Developers, Quality Analysts, Business Analysts, and Support Engineers.

Scrum for Developers – Do you know this?

What is Agile?

What is Agile Manifesto?

What is Scrum?

What is Scrum Theory?

What is a Scrum Team?

What are the events in Scrum?

What are the accountabilities in Scrum?

What are Scrum artifacts?

Myths about Scrum

Scrum Vs Kanban

Scrum for developers – What action is required?

Going through the Scrum Guide – Scrum Guide | Scrum Guides is recommended. Ask questions during the daily scrum, raise any impediments, and get clarification during the refinement session. A developer can also take the accountability of a Scrum Master (meaning there is no individual operating only as a Scrum Master), if you see this practice happening in any team tell yourself that Scrum Master is accountability and not a role, hence it is perfectly OK for a developer to lift the weight of being a Scrum Master.

Scrum vs Kanban – Which one shall we adopt?

How it all started?

Before we get into details of Scrum vs Kanban, we will take a top-down approach, first thing to understand is What is Agile? and Agile Manifesto .  This will give you a view of the agile revolution, Scrum and Kanban are part of this structure.

The Agile Manifesto, which has 4 values and 12 principles, is supported by frameworks; two famous frameworks are Scrum and Kanban.

The next part is to understand these frameworks before we decide which one to adopt over the other.

What is Scrum?

What is Kanban?

Difference between Scrum vs Kanban  

InceptionSoftware Development (A Framework created for software development)Originated from Lean Manufacturing
ApproachEach element of the scrum framework serves a specific purpose that is essential to the overall value and results realized with Scrum. This has to be followed.Less prescriptive as compared to Scrum, 3 Kanban practices are must
AccountabilitiesScrum defines three specific accountabilities within the Scrum Team: the Developers, the Product Owner, and the Scrum MasterDoes not have defined accountabilities
Iterative approachFollows Iterative approachDoes not follow iterative approach
CadenceSprints have fixed length events of one month or lessContinuous flow
PlanningScrum events for planning are Sprint Planning, Daily ScrumNo defined cadence for planning however team can decide based on context

Conclusion – Scrum vs Kanban

There is no prescribed answer to use Scrum or Kanban. It all boils down to one aspect and that is context. Try one framework for a certain period and inspect and adapt and track the progress, move it to the next if you don’t see progress. Either Scrum or Kanban, continuous improvement is the key.